
A fundamental ambition at Robot System Products is to stand for sound values. We continuously inspect and upgrade our work environment and generally advocate ethical and environmentally conscious behavior. This document aims to clarify our approach, which should correspond to, or exceed, the expectations of our stakeholders. The code of conduct applies to RSP as well as to our suppliers and is communicated via internal meetings, customer and supplier visits, and our website.

Employee rights

Legislation and agreements in the countries where RSP and its suppliers operate must be complied with and always constitute minimum requirements for working conditions and human rights. We never accept child labor, forced labor, slavery, discrimination, or abusive behavior. Terms of employment, including salaries, must be contractual and just. Working hours must be kept within legal limits considering weekly rest and overtime. Employees are entitled to join a trade union without it adversely affecting conditions of work or pay. All employees have equal rights to express opinions and continuously contribute to a healthy work climate by taking responsibility and informing management whenever a problem emerges. Security checks are carried out on a regular basis, partly in-house and partly through external trade union representatives.

Business ethics

RSP does not accept any form of corruption, bribery, or extortion. Applicable laws and good ethics are fundamental, both for us and for our business partners.

Environmental Considerations

We respect environmental laws and regulations. In addition, we work with continual improvement within our certified environmental management system. We also sort waste and consider environmental consequences related to new projects, new designs, and purchasing.

Ola Wallster
Robot System Products