CogniCal Robot Calibration Arm Package
Complete hardware kit including robot calibration arm for industrial robots.
The system includes:
- Cognibotics Calibration arm with RSP Tool changer
- Measurement indentification unit/controller (MIU)
- Measurement acquisition kit including kables
- RSP Tool attachment to mount on robot flange

Robot calibration for absolute accuracy
Robots are fantastic when it comes to automating production and making it more effective. However, we can probably agree that the accurate positioning sometimes is just not enough. Thanks to the calibration systems from Cognibotics it is now possible to make your robots more accurate, both in positions and linear movement.
Improve Operational Reliability
Calibrate Robot after repair -> Minimize downtime by being able to use old programs without adaptation. Identify changes in robot properties over time –> Predictive.
Quick and predictable Deployment
Offline programming without manual ” touch-up” -> Lower robot programming time. Real digital twin, make your real robot behave like your simulated -> Lower commissioning time in new robot cells.
Improved tolerances & Quality
Use robot to new and challenging applications – 3D print, Laser/Water cutting, Laser Welding, etc. Calibrate external axes – Create global accuracy for robot together with linear tracks, positioners, etc.